Social time and practical from 7-7:30. Program starts promptly at 7:30.
April practical: Dorset buttons with Wendy Scheening. So, what is a Dorset button? Dorset buttons are a delightful way to add a little something special to your weaving projects. They are a button made up of a covered ring with a woven center. In their hey-day in the 1700s they were a status symbol and provided gainful employment for the weavers of Dorset England who made them. They are easy to make, quite pretty, and offer an opportunity for creative and unique designs. They can be embellished with beads, knots, and various colors. This month’s practical with Wendy Scheening will be a quick introduction to making a basic Dorset button with spokes.
Arranging a Perfect Marriage: How Fibers and Dyes Interact presented by Elaine Larsen. Fiber artists can use many different fibers in their work to achieve the look and function they desire. Dyeing those fibers gives artists additional creative options, but the many different types of dyes and dye processes can be confusing! This presentation will go over the composition and structure of different fibers (both manufactured and natural) and how different types of dyes (both synthetic and natural) interact with those fibers, to help fiber artists understand their options for creating their desired results. No knowledge of chemistry necessary! Questions and discussion encouraged. Elaine Larsen, PhD has been teaching at Skidmore College for 19 years, raising sheep for 23 years, and knitting for almost 50 years! She developed a course on science in the fiber arts and can’t believe she gets
paid to teach it. She dabbles in many aspects of fiber arts, including natural and synthetic dyeing, and enjoys learning new things.
April program: Arranging a Perfect Marriage: How Fibers and Dyes Interact
presented by Elaine Larsen