No June picnic this year. Instead, we are continuing our virtual meetings over the summer! So keep weaving so you’ve got Show & Tell for us.
Zoom online meeting details are in the newsletter. Contact Megan MacBride with any questions. If you are unsure about using Zoom, please log on to the dry run meeting on June 10 (Wednesday) at 7 pm using the same Zoom link in the newsletter. Megan will work with you to ensure you can participate fully. Zoom can accommodate a range of technological setups - from desktop or laptop computers (with your computer speakers or regular phone), tablet or smartphone.
7-7:30 is social time. Log on at 7 pm to work out any technical bugs and say hi to fellow weavers. Program starts promptly at 7:30.
Program: Sydney Sogol of Syd’s Threads will be speaking to us about her journey within dyeing and weaving. She will share with us her dye process, hand painting warps, and how she dyes to create color pooling.
Sydney is a production weaver who specializes in wearable items such as scarves and shawls. Her work refects her passion for environment and her love of ornithology (the study of birds.) It is almost like her color palettes are pulled directly from the wings of exotic birds and then illuminated through her materials and complex weave structures.